A comparison of WRF-RR and RUC forecasts of aircraft icing conditions
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An upgraded microphysics package has been added to the WRF-RR that explicitly predicts five hydrometeor species (rain, snow, graupel, cloud ice, and cloud water) along with number concentrations of rain and cloud ice. This double moment scheme should improve the model's hydrometeor forecasts, and its representation of icing conditions is important to the CIP and FIP development team.
The domain of the WRF-RR is also much larger than that of the RUC, including all of North America without a decrease in horizontal or vertical resolution. This allows the algorithms to be run on the same model over the CONUS and Alaska, something that wasn't possible before.
In order to gauge the effects of the WRF-RR on icing forecasts and diagnoses the algorithm developers examined and compared fields from both models during the 2009 icing season. Representative case studies highlighting similarities and differences in icing depiction between the models will be presented.