Retrieval of Carbon Monoxide in Troposphere with Satellite Infrared Radiometer

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Monday, 18 January 2010
Exhibit Hall B2 (GWCC)
Fumie Kataoka, Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan, Tsukuba, Japan; and Y. Mitomi

Handout (2.6 MB)

The quantitative measurement of the atmospheric trace gases using satellite sensor is one of the important techniques for understanding the global environmental changes.

In this study, we carried out the air pollution gas retrieval in East Asia using the spectral radiances measured by Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES), which was launched on NASA's EOS AURA satellite in July 2004.

Especially, we focused on carbon monoxide (CO) concentration in troposphere which is mainly attributed to our economic activity. It affects not only air pollution but also global warming, because it has an important role to determine the concentration of greenhouse effect gases like a methane, carbon dioxide and halocarbon.

We will discuss the variation of carbon monoxide in East Asia and the comparison result of in-situ data.