Reflections before the max: the evolution of space weather
Handout (682.9 kB)
In order to create a timeline of advances, a sample of the space weather community was surveyed across multiple agencies, interests, and expertise. Researchers in academia and government, operational forecasters, private sector scientists, and policy makers were asked to describe their views on the milestones of space weather, the current state of space weather, and the future direction of the field. Participants were asked to describe what they viewed as the major milestones in science, technology, and policy for space weather. They also were asked to describe what future breakthroughs in space weather are needed and what policy dimensions needed to be better addressed. There was also some discussion on where space weather fits into “Pasteur's Quadrant”—whether it falls under: pure basic research, goal oriented or use-inspired basic research, or pure applied research. The results have given a broad view of how the field evolved and how the community views itself, now and in the future.