Real-time neural network predictions of magnetospheric activity

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Kp is a 3-hour averaged global geomagnetic activity index representing midlatitude regions. Our algorithms can predict the upcoming full 3-hour Kp, updated each half-hour, purely from the solar wind data and achieve a linear correlation coefficient of 0.84, which means that it predicts the upcoming Kp value on average to within 1.1 step, which is approximately the resolution of the real-time Kp estimate. Also, when predicting an equivalent 'one hour Kp', the correlation coefficient is 0.86, meaning on average a prediction within 0.99 step. Furthermore, retrospective results and temporal correlations demonstrate that our new algorithms are as efficient as those that incorporates the time history of Kp in their inputs. Live results of the BI plot and Kp prediction can be obtained from http://space.rice.edu/ISTP/wind.html while members of the Rice Space Institute's free spacalrt system will receive email alerts whenever the value of the predicted Kp reaches 6 or higher, or when the 10-minute BI exceeds 200 kV.