The effect of advanced satellite products on an icing nowcasting system

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In this paper we present comparisons of icing probability, severity, and potential for SLD from the operational CIP with the experimental version of CIP which includes the ASAP fields. In the experimental version the ASAP hydrometeor phase and effective temperature products give information on cloud presence and cloud top microstructure. The liquid and ice water path products assist with estimation of icing severity, and the effective radius product is used for adjusting the potential for SLD. Details of the algorithms are provided in a companion paper. Verification efforts have demonstrated an improvement in cloud top height estimates when compared to pilot reports, resulting in a reduction in the volume of airspace diagnosed to have icing potential. In this study we examine individual cases from the verification effort where the operational and experimental versions of CIP arrive at different estimates of icing probability, severity, and potential for SLD, and compare those results with independent data from pilot reports and research aircraft.