An Example of NextGen Weather Information Integration and Management

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 20 January 2010: 11:30 AM
B314 (GWCC)
Russ Sinclair, Harris Corporation, Melbourne, FL; and T. Hicks, C. Felix, and K. Bourke

Presentation PDF (234.1 kB)

In order to understand and anticipate some of the potential development and operational issues that NextGen weather domain implementers will have to deal with, Harris is creating and experimenting with a SOA-based NextGen weather information management model in our research and development laboratory. SOA technology is being harnessed to loosely couple Harris-developed weather domain and trajectory management decision support capabilities, which are representative of the NextGen Network Enabled Weather (NNEW – 4D Weather Cube) and NextGen mission support domain applications (aka Weather Integration). In this paper, we will describe the information management model architecture and report on our experiences with converting existing weather and decision support applications to SOA services and operating them in a NextGen-like SOA environment.