National Weather Service Science and Technology Roadmap

The S&T Roadmap is built on a foundation of focus area plans, for science services and the enabling capabilities, covering the end-to-end forecast processes, to:
• help define and refine the science vision for the next 10-20 years;
• influence research priorities and improve research to operations;
• guide programming priorities to achieve NWS performance goals;
• link plans for related science and technology advances to achieve long term goals;
• lead planning and infusion of cutting-edge science and technology and establish a foundation for annual planning, programming and budget formulation;
• provide key goals to drive improvements to science and technology capabilities to maximize societal benefits/impacts; and
• outline the executable path to measurable results.
Key themes across these areas are:
• Integrating within and across systems of observations, analyses, predictions, forecast post-processing and uncertainty information, and forecaster intervention in a weather information database to meet high data volume and interoperability challenges and requirements of the future; and improving interfaces with partners and users from the private and public sectors
• Significantly enhancing the quality of weather information: advancing time-space resolution of information, enhancing forecast accuracy and lead-time, objective characterization of probabilistic and uncertainty information
• Building greater capabilities for robust decision support services, communication and user feedback processes through next-generation forecast systems and integration of social sciences to maximize the value of NWS information to the Nation
• Enhancing the IT infrastructure and supporting more efficient and effective implementation of S&T advances into operations.
Summaries of the Roadmap goals and benefits will be presented along with the S&T advances and identified research needs.