NextGen Weather Demonstration Coordination

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Steve Abelman, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD; and P. Strande

Handout (829.1 kB)

The Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO) is coordinating the multi-government agency effort to make the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) a reality. A key NextGen capability is the integration of weather information into Air Traffic Management decision-making. The JPDO Weather Working Group (WWG) has established several coordinated working teams to address these challenges.

Recently the WWG has established a Weather Demonstration Coordination Team. This “Demo Team” has established a team charter to include the following:

•Identify, categorize, and document the existing NextGen weather demonstrations

•Identify, categorize, and document NextGen demonstrations that may require or benefit from weather assimilation

•Become the recognized coordination body that provides guidance and assistance on future demonstrations

•Provide guidance and assistance on Initial Operating Capability (IOC) demonstrations to ensure they are meeting IOC requirements

•Facilitate communication between agencies and organizations to support the inclusion of weather, at the appropriate time, into future demonstrations

•Facilitate communication between agencies and organizations to urge compatibility between subsequent demonstrations

•Update the NextGen Weather Plan with a detailed demonstration strategy

This poster will detail the tasks, plan, and progress of the Demo Team during the past year.