Improved short-term hurricane intensity forecasting using regression on core measurements

This research seeks to develop a new statistical-climatological forecasting scheme to improve short-term intensity forecasts for well-developed (having a defined eye) tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin. Using Vortex Data Messages gathered by Hurricane Hunter reconnaissance flights and stored in the National Hurricane Center's ATCF archives, a Vortex Data Message climatology from 1991-2008 is developed and exploited. This climatology includes storm-scale thermodynamic parameters to aid in TC prediction. Finally, stepwise multiple regression is performed to create a SHIPS-style intensity forecast model.
Cross validation results show that this new regression scheme is superior to SHIPS at all forecast times (12-48 hours) and for all storm intensities, potentially indicating that a new benchmark for TC intensity forecasting has been reached. Other implications, such as the ability to produce probabilistic intensity range forecasts, will also be discussed.
Psuedo-real-time results from a web page that displays the forecast produce will be presented and evaluated.