Use of the WC-130J reconnaissance aircraft for integrated atmospheric and oceanographic tropical cyclone (TC) observations in the Western North Pacific, Central Pacific and Atlantic basins: A national asset for the future

This strategy was initially developed in the Atlantic basin as part of the ONR-sponsored CBLAST experiment, utilizing air-deployed profiling floats as well as drifters, and its potential for simultaneous atmospheric and oceanic 3D observations demonstrated in Hurricane Francis (2004). Since then, this capability has been further exploited, with AXBT deployments provided from NOAA WP-3D aircraft, in four additional Atlantic-basin (Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean) TCs.
Examples of these observations from the recent TCS08 experiment are analyzed and their synergy demonstrated. The potential application of this strategy for improved model initialization and intensity forecast prediction throughout the tropical cyclone basins of the world where WC-130J reconnaissance capabilities exist is discussed in detail.