Online Weather and Oceanography: Meeting the needs of a diverse student body at Alaska Pacific University
Handout (22.0 kB)
The four courses taught on campus are taken by traditional undergraduate students. The lower division and upper division courses are taught together. Additional requirements of the upper division students, who are mainly science majors, include completing additional chapters in the workbook, conducting experiments, and completing a self-selected project. Projects have reflected the student's individual interest. Some examples include building weather turbines with elementary school students, setting up a home weather station, preparing a pamphlet on how to interpret weather for backcountry use, and reviewing and interpreting popular films such as Twister or The Perfect Storm.
The greatest benefit of the AMS course has been to provide a general science elective for rural Alaska native students and returning adult learners. Many of students live in remote Alaska villages. Additionally the work and family obligations of these students preclude matriculation in a traditional degree seeking program. Course material is presented through Moodle and Elluminate. An online chat, PowerPoint presentation, and question/answer session is presented on Monday of each week during the term and material from one chapter is due the following Monday. During the last five years approximately 100 Alaska native learners have completed either the weather or oceanography course. Without this option it would be very difficult, if not impossible, for most of these students to fulfill a laboratory science requirement.