Bringing Weather Studies home

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 18 January 2010
Rick Wiedenmann, New Mexico State University – Carlsbad, Carlsbad, NM

NMSU-Carlsbad is a two-year branch community college of New Mexico State University and is independently accredited by the North Central Association. NMSU-C has a student population of approximately 1,400 students, approximately 30 full-time faculty, 50 part-time faculty and 100 full-time staff members. The campus is located in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert of Southeast New Mexico.

With the aid of federal grants, NMSU-Carlsbad is experiencing a significant expansion in STEM and is looking for new science courses to support this program as well as the growing education degree program. Meteorology has never been taught before at NMSU-C and the AMS Weather Studies will provide the resources needed to get this class off the ground.

Plans for the Meteorology class call for using the wealth of information that is provided through the AMS Online Weather Studies program as well as having the students focus on weather resources in their own location. Students will use provided rain gauges and participate in collecting data with the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, & Snow Network (CoCoRaHS). Student will also evaluate severe weather threats and safety issues in their communities and communicate one-on-one with SKYWARN volunteers.