Wednesday, 26 January 2011: 4:00 PM
607 (Washington State Convention Center)
Bonnie Reed, NOAA/GOES-R, Silver Spring, MD; and C. W. Siewert, R. S. Schneider, G. L. Hufford, B. Entwhistle, M. DeMaria, D. Reynolds, and M. J. Brennan
The GOES-R Proving Ground (PG) Program demonstrates new satellite observing data, products and capabilities before they are finalized and incorporated into operations. During 2010, The GOES-R PG performed demonstrations of GOES-R data and products at the National Weather Service (NWS) Storm Prediction Center, National Hurricane Center, Aviation Weather Center, NWS Regional Headquarters, and various NWS Weather Forecast Offices. During these pre-operational demonstrations, forecasters were able to use the GOES-R like products developed with proxy and simulated data sets, including observations from research and operational satellite instruments (MODIS, AIRS, IASI, SEVIRI), and lightning networks in a quasi-operational environment to support their forecast decision making process. Using the GOES-R like products within the PG environments provides an opportunity for the forecasters to understand capabilities, strengths, limitations, and constraints prior to the launch of GOES-R and the influx of new data. The GOES-R PG program also provides an opportunity for the forecasters to evaluate the data products and capabilities, and to provide feedback to the product developers.
In 2010, there were five PG Experiments where GOES-R technologies and algorithms were demonstrated and evaluated. At the Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) Spring Experiment GOES-R like products and decision aids related to convection were demonstrated. In the late summer, the HWT demonstrated GOES-R like products related to Fire Weather and Heavy Rain. An aviation focused demonstration involved the Aviation Weather Center, the Alaska Aviation Weather Unit, and the NWS Regional Headquarters from late summer through winter. The Alaska Region participated in the fall by demonstrating and evaluating GOES-R like snow and cloud products. Additionally, the National Hurricane Center demonstrated and evaluated hurricane-related products during the 2010 Hurricane Season.
This presentation will provide more details and examples of the demonstrated products and product evaluations as well as preliminary plans for demonstrations in 2011.

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