To support NextGen goals, NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) is developing the technological infrastructure for a 4-Dimensional Weather Data Cube (Cube) of weather products and data, and the two agencies are jointly developing tools for interoperable data exchange using Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. The Network-Enabled Verification Service (NEVS), being developed by NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory, will be a consumer of the Cube data and will publish verification results to users of the Cube via extensions of OGC web services.
NEVS is planned to provide real-time feedback on the quality and the uncertainty of the products and weather data provided in this Cube, which is critically needed to understand and continually improve the performance of the NWS forecasters, and the FAA's application of the Cube data for ATM operations. NEVS will also support the FAA's Quality Management System (QMS) reporting requirements for aviation services and products. This paper will describe how NEVS will fulfill a unique mission for NextGen by: providing innovative weather forecast verification capabilities needed to communicate aspects of the quality and uncertainty of the Cube forecasts; how objective verification data obtained from NEVS can support the decision-making for the contents of the Cube's Single Authoritative Source (SAS); and how NEVS will enable NOAA and the FAA to assess progress on meeting goals for government performance measures. The planned implementation of NEVS by the NWS will provide a continual process for quality improvement for NextGen.