Monday, 24 January 2011: 4:00 PM
2B (Washington State Convention Center)
The progresses of Satellite data assimilation in Global/Regional Assimilation PrEdiction System (GRAPES) are reviewed in this paper. The main achievements are the development of assimilation of new kind of satellite data with a 3DVar data assimilation system on the basis of NOAA 15/16/17 in the past three years, which include FY3A, AIRS, NOAA18, Metop, GPS etc. Progresses are also made in advanced technique of variational bias correction and adaptive tuning of satellite observation error. The impact experiments were performed with the new generation of NWP system GRAPES. The results show that the use of these new observations and the techniques improved the forecast skill. Some scientific issues of great importance for further development are discussed.