Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Washington State Convention Center
The new geostationary satellite series, GOES-R, will provide for a unique perspective in monitoring convection with the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). The multi-spectral information that it will provide can be used to infer cloud-top properties as well as the growth properties of clouds with a high temporal resolution. A new instrument on GOES-R will be the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM). Coupling ABI and GLM data can be used to diagnose storm intensity. Knowledge of storm intensity is extremely important in radar sparse locations and over oceanic regions. This information can be especially important for aviation interests over the oceans where radar data and pilot reports may not be available.
For this study, the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) is used as a proxy for GLM, and Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) is used as a proxy for ABI. Cloud objects will be defined using a cloud mask and spectral and temporal properties of the clouds in addition to lightning data will be analyzed over each cloud object to determine the intensity of each particular storm. The results from the development of the spectral/temporal indicators and LIS lightning data will be presented along with the development of the intensity categories.