A set of 16 WRF simulations was completed over an eastern U.S. domain for the month of July 2005, a period in which air quality was relatively poor. Each of the WRF ensemble members were evaluated against existing ambient meteorological data to assess which configurations best matched the historical meteorological conditions. Additionally, each of the meteorological simulations were input into the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to assess how differing meteorological model performance affected the accuracy of the air quality model, specifically on predictions of O3 and PM2.5. The three specific goals of this analysis were: 1) to better understand how meteorological model performance affects downstream air quality model performance (i.e., how correlated are WRF bias/errors with eventual CMAQ bias/errors), 2) to better understand which meteorological parameters are most important to replicate in order to maximize AQ model performance, and 3) to better understand the potential variability in meteorological model parameterizations that can affect the resultant met inputs and AQ model outputs.
Supplementary URL: www.sensordatabus.org/wrf