Monday, 24 January 2011
The near-Earth space radiation environment includes energetic ions and electrons that can cause spacecraft surface and deep dielectric charging, single event upsets (SEUs), degrade electronic components, increase cancer risks to humans in space and increase risks to passengers and crew in aircraft at high latitudes (transpolar routes). Since their inception in the 1970's, the GOES satellites have monitored Earth's highly variable radiation environment using energetic particle detectors and magnetometers. These measurements are important for providing alerts and warnings for many customers, including satellite operators, the power utilities, and NASA's human activities in space. The GOES-R magnetometer requirements are similar to those previously flown, measuring three components of the geomagnetic field with a resolution of least 0.016 nT, but with an improved 10 Hz sampling rate. The Space Environment In-Situ Suite (SEISS) particle detectors will extend the energy range covered by previous GOES to include electrons from 30 eV to 4 MeV and ions from 30 eV to over 500 MeV. GOES-R will also distinguish heavy ions (Z>=2) in 4 mass groups with energies from 10-200 MeV/nucleon. This presentation reviews the capabilities of the GOES-R magnetometer and energetic particle instruments and describes the algorithms currently being developed to create new data products. The new, and continuing, products will be an integral part of the NOAA space weather operations. These data products will also be important for scientific research in magnetospheric physics.