Thursday, 27 January 2011: 8:45 AM
604 (Washington State Convention Center)
Presentation PDF (2.1 MB)
The Jack Rabbit test program was conducted at Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), UT in April/May 2010. The program was sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Transportation Security Administration (TSA) with program oversight provided by the Chemical Security Analysis Center (CSAC) and test execution provided by the Meteorology Division of DPG. During the field campaign, 10 trials were conducted 2 pilot trials and 8 record trials with releases of either anhydrous ammonia or chlorine. This presentation will describe the Jack Rabbit field campaign and provide results for several of the test objectives. Individual trials will be discussed with video footage and photos from select trials. The Jack Rabbit trial naming convention will be presented along with dissemination information. Lastly, a brief overview of the database and website will be provided.