Monday, 24 January 2011
Washington State Convention Center
Margaret Mooney, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and S. Ackerman, N. L. Jackson, and T. Whittaker
The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) will present synergistic efforts that promote and facilitate the use of satellite data in G6-12 science education. Satellite Applications for Geoscience Education or SAGE ( is a web-based resource that leverages satellite observations available on the Internet with teachers' connection to students to raise the level of understanding of our planet's dynamic air and water systems. SAGE was originally developed in 2007 to feature lessons in remote sensing, climate, meteorology, oceanography and geology. In 2010 SAGE was revised, streamlined and infused by SNAPP (Satellite-based Nowcasting and Aviation Application) to include an aviation lesson and a new applet which will premiere at this AMS education session.
This presentation will also summarize the 2010 ESIP (Earth Science Information Partners) teacher workshop in Knoxville TN where CIMSS organized an educators workshop with support from the NOAA NESDIS Education Office. ESIP is a unique consortium of scientific organizations that collect, interpret and develop applications for remotely sensed data. Over two dozen educators participated in the 3 day event with presentations by ESIP members from NOAA, NASA, EPA, DOE, CIMSS, UNH and UCSB. About a third of the attendees were part of the new NOAA Climate Stewards Education Program, a national network that has been meeting via teleconference since January 2010. The ESIP teacher workshop marked the first face-to-face meeting of a subset from this pilot project.
Educational CDs featuring the 2010 version of SAGE will be distributed at this AMS session as well as information about the 2011 Climate Stewards Program and the 2011 ESIP teacher workshop scheduled for Albuquerque New Mexico.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner