J1.6 Communicating with Technology in Large Classes

Monday, 24 January 2011: 5:15 PM
604 (Washington State Convention Center)
Perry J. Samson, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Deliberate engagement of Internet technologies during class can dramatically improve engagement in science courses. LectureToolsem>, a Web 2.0 learning environment, offers more options for communicating with students, and is particularly helpful in larger classes.

Students take notes synchronized to their instructor's slides and can pose questions. Over 65% of students in large atmospheric science classes using LectureTools pose questions, a dramatic increase over similar courses. About 80% of students in introductory courses reported improved attentiveness and engagement using LectureTools compared to similar science courses. LectureTools works with multiple publishers to integrate on-line textbooks with in-class activities. LectureTools can track students' notes and create automatic linkage between class notes and content in textbooks. Students can query the combination of their own notes, their instructor's slides, their textbook and even class podcasts.

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