Wednesday, 26 January 2011: 5:30 PM
2B (Washington State Convention Center)
In 2007, NOAA established the Northern Gulf Institute as a cooperative research endeavor with five academic programs along the Gulf of Mexico. As part of this project, an offshore observatory was proposed to investigate oceanic and atmospheric boundary layer structures and transports as part of a comprehensive effort including ecology, energetics, and environments. During summer 2008 the observational program began with the establishment of the first offshore tower-based measurements, and the program expaneded in 2010. We will share the results of NGI funded research utilizing data from the existing and discuss plans for new measurements including the potential for monitoring for oil-fouling, utility of data for wind power utilization, education and training opportunities, and the use of the facility as a shared resource. Data from several migrating tropical cyclones are analyzed as well, and these also show the robustness of the tower design and deployment.