Tuesday, 25 January 2011: 8:30 AM
606 (Washington State Convention Center)
(123.3 kB)
Weather Surveillance Radar-1988, Doppler (WSR-88D) Level II data) has become one of the Nation's largest real-time environmental data sets. The WSR-88D Radar Operations center engineering staff recently completed a very successful transition to a new communications architecture improving the efficiency of how Level II data is collected and transmitted to users. The new architecture was implemented to increase the reliability of Level II delivery to the increasing number of Level II data users and refresh the hardware and technology implemented in the initial network start up in 2004 - while maintaining costs within the current budget. The new network has leveraged off of other programs and resources (e.g., NOAAnet, Unidata Local Data Manager, and the Level II top tiers (Purdue University, University of Oklahoma, and the Educational Research Consortium of the Western Carolinas).
Use of the real-time and archived WSR-88D Level II data continues to grow. Several government agencies, universities, private sector members of weather enterprise, and the public have expanded their reliance on Level II data to include value-added products and post-event analysis for an ever expanding customer base.
This proposed conference paper and presentation will outline the new NWS WSR-88D Level II Data Collection, Distribution, and Archive Network architecture. In addition, plans for adding more data to the network (e.g., adding more radar sites; and Super Resolution and Dual Polarization data) will be discussed.