Monday, 24 January 2011
Approximately a year ago the Federal Aviation Administration Aviation Weather Group established a team of experts that cuts across multiple Federal agencies and industry with the purpose of assisting the FAA in the development of a set of the operational requirements for aviation services and related impacts based upon space weather information. The purpose of this paper is to report out on the successful progress of work that includes the development of a draft Concept Development Plan (CDP) and eventually the Concept Description Document (CDD). Space Weather issues that relate to midterm services vs far term operational requirements will be highlighted and discussed on how they are to be provided or envisioned as a service. The paper reviews what is involved in (1) developing the functional analysis to; (2) extract the functional requirements; and (3) develop the performance requirements in support of needed space weather information. The paper will also highlight the effort underway by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to take ownership of aviation space weather requirements and how the International Civil Aviation Organization will work collaboratively with WMO on the development of international standards.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner