Thursday, 27 January 2011: 4:15 PM
2B (Washington State Convention Center)
Heat wave events occurring in the greater NYC urban region during the summer of 2010 are analyzed using a proposed integration scheme that couples surface observations, ground based remote sensing observations and models. Data from a dense network of surface weather stations and vertical profiling remote sensing instruments are compared with a multi-layer urban canopy model, coupled to a high resolution Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The urban canopy model considers thermal effects, such as heat fluxes from roofs, streets, and walls, as well as the reflection and radiation exchange in street canyons. Mechanical effects of the canopy, such as the turbulent momentum sink by friction are also included. Assimilating observations from the surface instruments and the ground based remote sensing instruments in to the parameterized model requires interpolation of the surface data and the remote sensing data. Data from the National Urban Database are employed to initialize the multi-layer urban parameterization and three urban classes based on the values of Building Plan Area Fraction are defined. A focus on boundary layer depth and applications in public health, transport models, and emergency response will be given.
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