Thursday, 27 January 2011
Washington State Convention Center
In the present study, we examined precipitation characteristics associated with convectively coupled equatorial waves, making use of TRMM-PR data. The phase and amplitude of each wave are determined by the wave-filtered TRMM3B42 data, following the method by Wheeler and Kiladis (1999). Results suggest that 1) highly organized convective system with extended stratiform precipitation area prevails in Kelvin wave, Eastward inertial gravity wave (n=0), and Westward inertial gravity (n=1,2) wave disturbances, 2) isolated convection with limited stratiform area is dominant in equatorial Rossby wave, Mixed-Rossby gravity wave and TD-type disturbances, and 3) slower (faster) mode with a shallower (deeper) equivalent depth is accompanied by more (less) organized convective systems for Kelvin wave and Eastward inertial gravity wave (n=0) disturbances.