Salt Lake City was an urban area of few high buildings, but its setting was in a mountain basin adjacent to complex terrain that provided complex air flows. URBAN 2000 was conducted only at night. So called upwind dispersion occurred during this experiment.
Oklahoma City provided a compact business district with predictable mesoscale wind flows. Both nocturnal and daytime experiments were conducted. Over 20 government agencies and universities participated. JU03 was the most highly instrumented experiment of the three, with approximately 25 real-time tracer analyzers and 150 bag samplers. A dense deployment of sonic anemometers and other wind instruments helped to describe the urban and mesoscale wind flow. Nocturnal plumes had higher normalized concentrations but lower concentration fluctuations than daytime plumes.
Midtown Manhattan provided the most complex urban setting. Only daytime experiments were conducted, many under very light wind conditions. Much useful information has been gleaned from the data. Unfortunately this unique data set and the knowledge it has provided is not publicaly available and remains for official use only.