Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Washington State Convention Center
Building on a strong heritage of collocation techniques and large-scale satellite data archive and processing systems, the GOES-R AWG collocation project aims to provide a flexible set of tools for dataset inter-comparison. Past success with LEO/LEO comparisons (e.g., cloud and aerosol studies using MODIS and CALIOP) and current work on GEO/LEO (SEVIRI comparisons with MODIS and CALIOP to aid in GOES-R algorithm development) lead toward an end-to-end system of increasing generality. This includes both a toolkit of collocation software and merged products providing scientists with extensive validation capabilities. Collocation, inter-calibration, and retrieval validation products are presented for both LEO/LEO and LEO/GEO applications.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner