S33 Meteorological and Ozone Measurements from Barbados during the Summer of 2010

Sunday, 23 January 2011
Ashford D'Arcy Reyes, Howard University, Washington, DC

Mentors: Dr. David Farrell1, Dr. Belay Demoz2, Dr. William Stockwell2, Dr. Gregory Jenkins2


Atmospheric observations (ozone (O3), thermodynamic and dynamic) were carried out at Husbands St. James, Barbados (13.1 N, 59.1 W), using ECCZ ozonesondes and radiosondes from June 12th to September 16th 2010. During this period we were able to successfully sample vertical profiles of tropospheric O3 concentrations associated with the Saharan Air Layer (SAL) reaching Barbados, together with Tropical Waves and Cyclones affecting the island. Ozondesondes were released every week to obtain a background profile of tropospheric O3 concentrations, so as to effectively compare it with the profile during a SAL, tropical wave or tropical cyclone event. Our preliminary results showed that there is a maximum in tropospheric O3 in the vicinity of 500mb during SAL events and for air advected from Tropical Cyclones as compared to the background measurements during the same period. In the case of tropical waves and cyclones, it is hypothesized that lightning plays an important role in the enhancement of tropospheric O3 concentrations during events of this nature. The measurements help in understanding the summer season O3 variability of the Western Atlantic in response to the key weather features of the SAL, tropical waves and tropical cyclones. Highlights from the field campaign along with meteorological analysis are presented in this work.

1. Cariibbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, Husbands St. James, Barbados

2. Howard University Program in Atmospheric Sciences, Washington DC

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner