Joint Session 12 Experimental and Field Studies On Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions

Wednesday, 26 January 2011: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
605/610 (Washington State Convention Center)
Hosts: (Joint between the Third Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions; and the 13th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry )
Robert Wood, Univerisity of Washington, Atmospheric Sciences, Seattle, WA and Cynthia H. Twohy, Oregon State University, Coas, Corvallis, OR

10:30 AM
(Invited Speaker) The VOCALS Regional Experiment: aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions in marine boundary layer cloud
Robert Wood, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and C. Bretherton, C. R. Mechoso, R. A. Weller, B. J. Huebert, H. Coe, B. A. Albrecht, P. H. Daum, D. Leon, A. Clarke, P. Zuidema, C. W. Fairall, and G. Allen
11:00 AM
Sources and Impacts of Particles on Stratocumulus Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
Cynthia H. Twohy, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; and J. Anderson, D. W. Toohey, M. Lytle, P. Zuidema, D. Leon, and M. Andrejczuk
11:15 AM
Observations of single scattering Albedo made during the 2007 cumulus humilis aerosol processing study: size or composition?
Carl Berkowitz, PNNL, Richland, WA; and L. K. Berg, B. Andrews, X. Y. Yu, J. Ogren, and Y. N. Lee

11:30 AM
Response of polluted marine stratocumulus to additional particle pollution
J. A. Coakley Jr., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; and B. Sechrist and W. R. Tahnk
11:45 AM
Barbados Aerosol Cloud Experiment—BACEX
Bruce Albrecht, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and E. Jung
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner