Session 2 Special Session on Research on Atmospheric/Oceanographic Sciences Education and Outreach

Tuesday, 25 January 2011: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
604 (Washington State Convention Center)
Host: 20th Symposium on Education
Donna J. Charlevoix, UNAVCO, Boulder, CO and Diane M. Stanitski, NOAA ESRL Global Monitoring Division, Boulder, CO

1:30 PM
Student experiences in a research-based laboratory
Kathleen Quardokus, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI; and S. Lasher-Trapp and E. M. Riggs
1:45 PM
Evaluation of Student Success in Large Enrollment Blended Learning
Sara T. Strey, University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign, IL; and D. J. Charlevoix
2:15 PM
How meteorologists learn to forecast the weather
Daphne LaDue, CAPS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
2:30 PM
How the NWC REU and other extra-curricular experiences impact undergraduates' early career paths
Madison Lindsay Burnett, National Weather Center Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program, Norman, OK; and D. LaDue
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner