Session 4 Lectures on Tropical Meteorology IV

Thursday, 27 January 2011: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
4C-3 (Washington State Convention Center)
Host: Michio Yanai Symposium
Wen-Wen Tung, Purdue University, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, West Lafayette, IN and David A. Randall, Colorado State University, Atmospheric Science, Fort Collins, CO

3:45 PM
Global cloud resolving modeling
Masaki Satoh, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Kashiwa, Japan; and K. Oouchi
4:15 PM
Tropical Cyclone in a Warmer Climate II
Kazuyoshi Oouchi, AESTO/MRI, Kanagawa, Japan
4:30 PM
Q1, Q2, and beyond: a modeling perspective
Akio Arakawa, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
5:00 PM
Concluding Remarks

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
See more of: Michio Yanai Symposium