Poster Session 1 Field, Lab, and Modeling Studies of Air Quality

Monday, 24 January 2011: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center
Host: 13th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry
Renyi Zhang, Texas A&M University, Atmos. Sci., College Station, TX and Nicholas Meskhidze, North Carolina State University, Department of Marine Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Raleigh, NC

Analysis of tropical convective transport of trace gases and lightning NOx production during the TC4 mission using the GMI model
Theodore V. Lyons III, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and K. E. Pickering and D. Allen

Handout (583.5 kB)

Adapting WRF-CHEM GOCART for fine-scale dust forecasting
Sandra L. Jones, AER, Offutt AFB, NE; and G. A. Creighton, E. Kuchera, K. D. George, and A. J. Elliott

Analysis of the effects of wildfires upon US air quality for current and future climate conditions
Rodrigo Gonzalez, Washington State University, Pullman, WA; and S. Chung, B. Lamb, I. Tao, J. Avise, T. Strand, D. McKenzie, A. Guenther, C. Wiedinmyer, T. Duhl, E. Salathe, and Y. Zhang

Study of persistence of days infected pollutant Particulate Matter (PM10) in city of Tehran using Markov chain model
Jaber Rahimi, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; and J. Bazrafshan and A. Rahimi
Manuscript (378.6 kB)

Handout (441.3 kB)

Numerical simulation of the low visibility event at the Hong Kong International Airport on 25 December 2009
P. W. Chan, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong, China; and T. Yao and J. C. H. Fung
Manuscript (375.5 kB)

Air quality and climate in North America: current and 2050
Janya Kelly, EC, Toronto, ON, Canada; and D. A. Plummer and P. A. Makar

Aerosol concentrations observed at Mt. Haruna, Japan, in relation to long-range transport of Asian mineral dust aerosols
Hiroaki Naoe, MRI, Tsukuba, Japan; and H. Takahashia, Y. Igarashia, Y. Inomata, and N. Sugimoto
Manuscript (288.2 kB)

Validating an isotopic AGCM with new satellite measurements of water vapor isotopologues
Kei Yoshimura, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan

Poster 237 moved to talk J19.4A to be presented Wed. at 2:15pm.

Modeling study of Asian dust: Assessment of various dust emission schemes using WRF/Chem
Jung-Yoon Kang, Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems, Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South); and M. Mikami, Y. Shao, S. C. Yoon, T. Y. Tanaka, and T. T. Sekiyama

The impact of increased ship emissions on nitrate radicals at low irradiation
Nicole Mölders, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK; and T. T. Tran, W. R. Simpson, G. Newby, and W. R. Stockwell

Poster 242 moved to talk 21.A to be presented Mon. at 1:30pm.

Effects of acute ozone exposure and methyl jasmonate treatment on white pine monoterpene and sesquiterpene emission rates
Celia L. Faiola, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington; and D. Wagner, T. VanReken, P. Harley, and E. Allwine

Tropospheric CO in the Arctic region measured from space by AIRS and MOPITT in the last decade
Juying X. Warner, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD; and Z. Wei and G. Diskin

Air Quality in the U.S. under Future Climate and Emission Scenarios
Yang Zhang, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC; and S. Y. Wu, A. Penrod, K. Wang, and L. R. Leung

Near field pollutant and tracer dispersion during a prescribed pine forest burn
Melissa Johns, Washington State University, Pullman, WA; and G. Allwine, P. O'Keefe, R. Grivicke, K. Yedinak, B. Lamb, T. Strand, C. B. Clements, H. Thistle, and M. Rorig

Analysis of coherent structures during the 2009 CABINEX field campaign: Implications for atmospheric chemistry
Shelley Pressley, Washington State Univesity, Pullman, WA; and A. Steiner, S. H. Chung, S. L. Edburg, E. Jones, and A. Botros

An application of the satellite derived NDVI to improve dust emission in the GOCART model
Dongchul Kim, GEST/UMBC, Baltimore, MD; and M. Chin, Q. Tan, H. Bian, and T. Diehl

Combining measurements and modeling to quantify power plant contributions to atmospheric NO2 and CO2
Keeley R. Costigan, LANL, Los Alamos, NM; and M. K. Dubey, P. Chylek, and L. Zhang
Manuscript (2.1 MB)

Seasonal Covariance of Baroclinicity and Ecosystem Metabolism
Nicholas C. Parazoo, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; and S. Denning, S. R. Kawa, and J. Berry

Measurements of Smoke, Ozone, and Inversions in the Lake Tahoe Basin
Miriam Rorig, USDA Forest Service, Seattle, WA; and T. Strand, C. Krull, M. Moore, N. K. Larkin, T. J. Brown, and A. Bytnerowicz

BlueSky smoke modeling framework: design, application, and improvements
Tara Strand, New Zealand Forest Research Institute Limited, Rotorua, WA, New Zealand; and N. K. Larkin, S. Raffuse, R. Solomon, D. Sullivan, K. Craig, D. Pryden, M. Rorig, N. Wheeler, and L. Chinkin

Identifying the conditions necessary for CONUS fires to impact the Arctic
Narasimhan K. Larkin, USDA Forest Service, Seattle, WA; and S. Raffuse, T. Strand, S. Brown, K. Craig, J. DeWinter, and P. Roberts

Evaluating WRF model atmospheric boundary layer simulations for a coastal region in Southeast Texas
Cari-Sue Wilmot, Univ. of Houston, Houston, TX; and X. Li and B. Rappenglueck

Investigation into atmospheric concentration and deposition of PCBS to the Lake Ontario due to sources from greater Toronto
Sreerama M. Daggupaty, EC, Downsview, ON, Canada; and S. Csiszar and M. Diamond

Handout (216.6 kB)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner