Session 4 The Allwine-Doran Retrospective II

Thursday, 27 January 2011: 3:30 PM-5:15 PM
604 (Washington State Convention Center)
Host: Special Symposium on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology
Sharon Zhong, Michigan State Univ., Department of Geography, East Lansing, MI

3:30 PM
Assessing Utah Basin Flows: PSEX, VTMX, PCAPS
John D. Horel, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; and C. B. Clements and C. D. Whiteman
3:45 PM
Evaluation of HPAC-Urban and JEM with U2000, JU2003, MSG05, and MID05 tracer observations
Steven R. Hanna, Hanna Consultants, Kennebunkport, ME; and J. Chang and I. Sykes
4:00 PM
The 2001 Phoenix Sunrise Experiment: what's been learned since then
Carl Berkowitz, PNNL, Richland, WA; and W. J. Shaw and R. L. Coulter
4:15 PM
DUSTRAN—history and current development of an atmospheric dust transport model
William J. Shaw, PNNL, Richland, WA; and J. P. Rishel, F. C. Rutz, and E. G. Chapman
4:30 PM
Evening transition in inland and coastal mountainous terrain
H.J.S. Fernando, Univ. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN; and L. S. Leo, S. Di Sabatino, and A. Dallman
4:45 PM
5:15 PM
Winds on the slope and in the valley cold pool
Larry Mahrt, NorthWest Research Associates, Inc., Corvallis, OR; and N. L. Seaman, S. Richardson, and D. R. Stauffer
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner