Session Town Hall Meeting: Weather Matters!: But will It to the 112th Congress?

Monday, 24 January 2011: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
609 (Washington State Convention Center)
For quite some time, climate change has been the major issue of our community receiving attention in the halls of the U.S. Congress. With hope for a climate bill all but gone, and the needs of the country increasing around severe weather issues, the weather community needs to strategize ways to catch the attention of Congress and the administration with a fresh set of weather-related research and development priorities. The National Research Council’s Committee on Progress and Priorities of the U.S. Weather Research and Research-to-Operations Activities recently (2010) published the report When Weather Matters: Science and Services to Meet Critical Societal Needs. The report “puts forth the committee’s best judgment on the most pressing high-level, weather-focused research challenges and research-to-operations needs and makes corresponding recommendations….” It also identifies three important “emerging” issues—very high-impact weather, urban meteorology, and renewable energy development—that were not identified (or were largely undervalued) in previous studies. When Weather Matters joins two other recent reports that address related needs and provide recommendations for the future—Observing Weather and Climate from the Ground Up: A Nationwide Network of Networks, also from the NRC, and the 2009 Community Review of NCEP, carried out by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. The recommendations and priorities put forth by these three reports will be considered at this Town Hall Meeting.
Host: Town Hall Meetings
Ray Ban, The Weather Channel, Atlanta, GA; Frederick H. Carr, Univ. of Oklahoma, School of Meteorology, Norman, OK; Walter F. Dabberdt, Vaisala. Inc., Louisville, CO; Wendy Naus, Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC, Washington, DC and Jim McDermott, United States House of Representatives, United States House of Representatives, Seattle, WA

For quite some time, climate change has been the major issue of our community receiving attention in the halls of the U.S. Congress. With hope for a climate bill all but gone, and the needs of the country increasing around severe weather issues, the weather community needs to strategize ways to catch the attention of Congress and the administration with a fresh set of weather-related research and development priorities. The National Research Council’s Committee on Progress and Priorities of the U.S. Weather Research and Research-to-Operations Activities recently (2010) published the report When Weather Matters: Science and Services to Meet Critical Societal Needs. The report “puts forth the committee’s best judgment on the most pressing high-level, weather-focused research challenges and research-to-operations needs and makes corresponding recommendations….” It also identifies three important “emerging” issues—very high-impact weather, urban meteorology, and renewable energy development—that were not identified (or were largely undervalued) in previous studies. When Weather Matters joins two other recent reports that address related needs and provide recommendations for the future—Observing Weather and Climate from the Ground Up: A Nationwide Network of Networks, also from the NRC, and the 2009 Community Review of NCEP, carried out by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. The recommendations and priorities put forth by these three reports will be considered at this Town Hall Meeting.

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See more of: Town Hall Meetings