Wednesday, 26 January 2011: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
606 (Washington State Convention Center)
Members of the AMS Ad Hoc Committee on a Nationwide Network of Networks will discuss progress toward implementing the recommendations of the NRC report titled Observing Weather and Climate from the Ground Up: A Nationwide Network of Networks. Six working groups have been active for the past year dealing with all aspects of a boundary layer observing system that can meet the demanding needs of a cross section of public, private, and academic users. Key aspects of a draft report that addresses implementation pathways will be presented. Audience members will be asked to join in the discussion, and make critical recommendations for consideration in the final report. A summit of stakeholders is planned for the near future and this Town Hall Meeting will provide important input for that event.
For additional information, please contact George Frederick (e-mail:
Members of the AMS Ad Hoc Committee on a Nationwide Network of Networks will discuss progress toward implementing the recommendations of the NRC report titled Observing Weather and Climate from the Ground Up: A Nationwide Network of Networks. Six working groups have been active for the past year dealing with all aspects of a boundary layer observing system that can meet the demanding needs of a cross section of public, private, and academic users. Key aspects of a draft report that addresses implementation pathways will be presented. Audience members will be asked to join in the discussion, and make critical recommendations for consideration in the final report. A summit of stakeholders is planned for the near future and this Town Hall Meeting will provide important input for that event.
For additional information, please contact George Frederick (e-mail:

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner