GPM ground validation (GV), which encompasses direct statistical, physical process, and integrated hydrologic validation activities, plays a central role in pre-launch algorithm development and post-launch product evaluation. Field campaigns are a key component of the GPM GV program. Recent campaigns include the Light Precipitation Validation Experiment (LPVEx) and the Mid-Latitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E), which provided valuable ground and airborne data to better characterize light precipitation processes and intense continental convective systems over land. In 2013 NASA and NOAA plans to jointly carry out a field campaign on hydrological validation in the U.S. Southeast to assess the performance of satellite precipitation products in hydrologic and water resources applications. The campaign will seek to address how four-dimensional quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) and associated uncertainties be effectively used within the framework of global water and energy cycle applications including climate and weather prediction and how associated uncertainties can be effectively used in hydrometeorological applications such as soil moisture estimation, decision support for flood forecasting, and water resource management. For hydrological applications that require very high-resolution precipitation data, GPM is pursuing innovative methods to downscale (both statistically and dynamically) precipitation information from satellite pixel scales to 1-2 km resolution, as well as the development of a rigorous statistical framework for merging ground-based and satellite-derived precipitation information to produce variable-resolution global precipitation products. An overview of GPM activities aimed at improving the benefits of satellite precipitation data in hydrometeorological applications will be presented.
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