18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
In collaboration with The Chinese Meteorological Society. Indian Meteorological Society, Meteorological Society of Japan, Korean Meteorological Society, State Research Center on Space Hydrometeorology Planeta of Russia, World Meteorological Organization
Program Chairs:

Saturday, 21 January 2012
7:30 AM-10:00 AM: Saturday, 21 January 2012
Registration for Student Conference and Short Course
Location: New Orleans Convention Center
Sunday, 22 January 2012
7:30 AM-9:00 AM: Sunday, 22 January 2012
Short Course Registration
Location: New Orleans Convention Center
9:00 AM-6:00 PM: Sunday, 22 January 2012
Registration Open for Annual Meeting
Location: New Orleans Convention Center
12:00 PM-4:00 PM: Sunday, 22 January 2012
4:00 PM-5:00 PM: Sunday, 22 January 2012
92nd Annual Review and Fellows Awards
5:30 PM-7:00 PM: Sunday, 22 January 2012
Welcome Reception Honoring the Newly Elected Fellows
Monday, 23 January 2012
7:30 AM-5:30 PM: Monday, 23 January 2012
Registration Continues Through January 25
9:00 AM-10:30 AM: Monday, 23 January 2012

12th Presidential Forum: Technology In Research and Operations—How We Got Here and Where We’Re Going
Location: La Nouvelle B-C (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the Seventh Symposium on Policy and Socio-Economic Research;
the 17th Conference on Air Pollution Meteorology with the A&WMA;
the 12th Presidential Forum: Technology in Research and Operations—How We Got Here and Where We’re Going;
the 26th Conference on Hydrology;
the Special Symposium on Technological Advances: Impacts on Hurricane Research and Forecast Improvements;
the Second Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python;
the 10th History Symposium;
the 28th Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS);
the 21st Symposium on Education;
the Eighth Annual Symposium on Future Operational Environmental Satellite Systems;
the 24th Conference on Climate Variability and Change;
the 16th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS);
the 21st Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences;
the 14th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry;
the Fourth Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions;
the Third Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology Special Symposium on Weather-Air Traffic Management Integration;
the 10th Symposium on the Coastal Environment;
the 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Environmental Science;
the 16th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation;
the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
the Ninth Conference on Space Weather;
the Second Conference on Transition of Research to Operations: Successes, Plans, and Challenges;
the Third Symposium on Environment and Health;
and the Third Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy
9:00 AM
Scientific research and operational environmental services are profoundly affected by the introduction and application of new technologies and it seems as though these advances are now accelerating, challenging our community to constantly become better at what we do and to serve society in new and more powerful ways. We welcome two highly distinguished keynote speakers for our Presidential Forum and each will address the theme of our 92nd Annual Meeting from his and her uniquely personal perspectives.
9:15 AM
Welcoming remarks and introductions by Jonathan T. Malay, AMS President
10:10 AM
President Malay will then be joined by Mr. George J. Komar, Director, NASA Earth Science Technology Office, Science Mission Directorate, and they will briefly discuss their thoughts about changes in the AMS community’s technological capabilities and in society twenty years and more into the future. They will then engage with the audience in an interactive dialog which should be an exciting and stimulating exercise of envisioning our future.
9:00 AM-11:00 AM: Monday, 23 January 2012
Spouses' Coffee
10:30 AM-11:00 AM: Monday, 23 January 2012
Coffee Break
11:00 AM-12:00 PM: Monday, 23 January 2012

Current and Future Satellite, Sensor, and Processing Systems 1 - Satellite Sensor and Program Updates
Location: Room 245 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Joint Session
Using Satellite Observations, Data, and Applications to Assess Linkages Between Aerosol/Pollution/Anthropogenic Activities and Climate—Part I
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the Fourth Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions

Study on the Satellite Data with Temporal and Spatial Distribution Over Taiwan Warm Season Afternoon Thunderstorm

Joint Session
Hydroclimatological Applications of the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission 1: Mission Overview and Major Elements
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the 26th Conference on Hydrology
12:00 PM-1:30 PM: Monday, 23 January 2012
Lunch Break
12:15 PM-1:15 PM: Monday, 23 January 2012

Panel Discussion
NPP Launches on Earth Observing Mission -- Early On-Orbit Performance and Initial Results
Location: Room 343/344 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
11:15 PM
A major milestone for Earth science research and operational weather forecasting was achieved when NASA's NPOESS Preparatory Project spacecraft lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 5:48 a.m. EDT on Oct. 28, 2011 and was successfully inserted into its sun-synchronous low-Earth orbit . Following the spectacular launch, NASA began activating and checking out the spacecraft and instruments to begin its Earth observation mission. The instruments on board NPP build on technologies and science advances made through the flights of the EOS Terra, Aqua, and Aura flight missions. They include a 22-channel multi-spectral imager, VIIRS, with MODIS and SeaWiFS heritage; a hyperspectral infrared and microwave sounding suite, CrIS and ATMS; hyperspectral limb and nadir ozone monitor and profiler suite, OMPS; and a cloud, climate, and Earth's radiation budget sensor, CERES. A joint panel of NPP science team members and instrument/spacecraft designers will present and discuss the on-orbit performance of NASA's NPP spacecraft and its Earth observing instrument payload.
1:30 PM-2:30 PM: Monday, 23 January 2012

Current and Future Satellite, Sensor, and Processing Systems 2 - Current Satellite Sensors
Location: Room 245 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
2:00 PM

Recent Results on Asian Field Programs and Topics
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Themed Joint Session
Artificial Intelligence Methods Applied to Satellite Remote Sensing Part I
Location: Room 242 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Environmental Science;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Joint Session
Hydroclimatological Applications of the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission 2: Algorithms, Retrievals, and Validation I
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the 26th Conference on Hydrology
2:30 PM-4:00 PM: Monday, 23 January 2012
Poster Session
Algorithm Improvements/ Model Assimilation Results
Location: Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
Poster Session
Calibration and Validation of Satellite Products
Location: Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

CrIS SDR Algorithm Preliminary Assessment Using Firstlight Data
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break
4:00 PM-5:30 PM: Monday, 23 January 2012

Current and Future Satellite, Sensor, and Processing Systems 3 - Future Satellite Sensors
Location: Room 245 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Joint Session
Using Satellite Observations, Data, and Applications to Assess Linkages Between Aerosol/Pollution/Anthropogenic Activities and Climate- Part II
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the Fourth Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions

Themed Joint Session
Artificial Intelligence Methods Applied to Satellite Remote Sensing Part II
Location: Room 242 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Environmental Science;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Joint Session
Hydroclimatological Applications of the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission 3: Algorithms, Retrievals, and Validation II
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the 26th Conference on Hydrology
5:30 PM-7:30 PM: Monday, 23 January 2012
Reception and Exhibits Opening
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
8:30 AM-9:45 AM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Current and Future Satellite, Sensor, and Processing Systems 4 - Satellite Processing Systems I
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Special Session: Scientific Advances in Satellite Instrument Calibration, Products, and Data Assimilation 1 - NPP Instrument Calibration
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Evolution of Calibration Requirements and Techniques for Total Ozone Mappers

Themed Joint Session
Research to Operations: Impacts of Demonstrated Research Missions on Operational Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climate Applications Part I
Location: La Nouvelle A (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the Second Conference on Transition of Research to Operations: Successes, Plans, and Challenges;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
9:00 AM-11:00 AM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Spouses' Coffee
9:30 AM-6:00 PM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Exhibit Hours
9:45 AM-11:00 AM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Poster Session
Analysis of Dust and Aerosols
Location: Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
Joint Poster Session
Remote Sensing of Hydrometeorological Variables
Location: Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 26th Conference on Hydrology;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
Poster Session
Satellite Data Contribution to Understanding of Weather Events
Location: Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Snowfall Rate Retrieval Using Passive Microwave Measurements
Poster Session
Surface Emissivity and Fluxes
Location: Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break
11:00 AM-12:00 PM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Current and Future Satellite, Sensor, and Processing Systems 4 - Satellite Processing Systems II
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Special Session: Scientific Advances in Satellite Instrument Calibration, Products, and Data Assimilation 2 - NPP Instrument Calibration
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Themed Joint Session
Research to Operations: Impacts of Demonstrated Research Missions on Operational Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climate Applications Part II
Location: La Nouvelle A (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the Second Conference on Transition of Research to Operations: Successes, Plans, and Challenges;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Joint Session
Space Weather Research and Applications: Leveraging Satellites to Identify Coupling between the Lower and Upper Atmosphere
Location: Room 252/253 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the Ninth Conference on Space Weather

On the Vertical Extent of the Impact of Orographically Generated Gravity Waves
12:00 PM-1:30 PM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Lunch Break
1:30 PM-3:00 PM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Panel Discussion
International Partnership and Collaboration Opportunities and Strategies for Satellite Observation of the Earth
Location: Room 245 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Special Session: Scientific Advances in Satellite Instrument Calibration, Products, and Data Assimilation 3 - Instrument Calibration, Algorithms and Products
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Inter-Satellite Bias of the Hirs Water Vapor Channel Determined Using ISCCP B1 Data

Joint Session
Hydroclimatological Applications of the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission 4: Algorithms, Retrievals, and Validation III
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the 26th Conference on Hydrology

Joint Session
NASA Satellites and Health Detection
Location: Room 333 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the Third Symposium on Environment and Health;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Themed Joint Session
Research to Operations: Impacts of Demonstrated Research Missions on Operational Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climate Applications Part III
Location: La Nouvelle A (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the Second Conference on Transition of Research to Operations: Successes, Plans, and Challenges;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
3:00 PM-3:30 PM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Coffee Break
Meet the President
Location: Room 242 (New Orleans Convention Center )
3:30 PM-5:15 PM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Applications of Remote-sensed Datasets on Asian Monsoon and ENSO
Location: Room 245 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Applications of Satellite Observations of Outgoing Longwave Radiation and Sea Surface Temperature to Studies on the East Asian-Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon Circulation and Rapid Phase Transition
3:30 PM-5:30 PM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Special Session: Scientific Advances in Satellite Instrument Calibration, Products, and Data Assimilation 4 - Data Assimilation and Radiative Transfer Models
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Joint Session
Hydroclimatological Applications of the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission 5: Products and Applications
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the 26th Conference on Hydrology
7:00 PM-9:00 PM: Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Aksel Wiin-Nielsen Symposium Banquet
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
8:30 AM-10:00 AM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Satellite-Based Algorithm Developments, Products, Applications and Validations 1 : Cloud and Aerosol Properties, Physics and Climatologies
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Toward An Optimal Algorithm for Retrieving Cloud Properties Over Snow and Ice Covered Surfaces

Special Session: The Use of Satellites to Understand Climate Processes Over the Asia-Pacific Region 1 - Cloud-Aerosol-Radiation Interactions (Invited Only)
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Evaluation and Data Assimilation of Global Aerosol Models with Satellite Data

Joint Session
Remote Sensing of Hydrometeorological Variables I
Location: Room 350/351 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 26th Conference on Hydrology;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
9:00 AM-11:00 AM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Spouses' Coffee
10:00 AM-10:30 AM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Coffee Break
Meet the President
Location: Room 242 (New Orleans Convention Center )
10:00 AM-6:15 PM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Exhibit Hours
10:15 AM-11:45 AM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Joint Panel Discussion
BP Oil Spill: Meteorological Technology and Human Health
Location: Room 333 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the Third Symposium on Environment and Health;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
10:30 AM-12:00 PM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012

China FY-3B Updates and New Results
Location: Room 342 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Satellite-Based Algorithm Developments, Products, Applications and Validations 2 : Moisture and Precipitation Algorithms, Products and Validations
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Special Session: The Use of Satellites to Understand Climate Processes Over the Asia-Pacific Region 2 - Recent Climate Change Studies (Invited Only)
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Satellite-Inferred Tropospheric Carbon Dioxide Distribution and Its Comparison with Data Assimilation Products

Joint Session
Remote Sensing of Hydrometeorological Variables II
Location: Room 350/351 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 26th Conference on Hydrology;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
12:00 PM-1:30 PM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Lunch Break
Location: Room 242 (New Orleans Convention Center )
1:30 PM-2:30 PM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Multi-sensor/NWP Model/Ground-based Datasets on Multi-temporal Scale Variability and Climate Trends
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Satellite-Based Algorithm Developments, Products, Applications and Validations 3 : Surface and Radiation Budgets
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
Themed Joint Session
Use of Advanced Sensor Technology to Improve Forecasts
Location: Room 343/344 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the Eighth Annual Symposium on Future Operational Environmental Satellite Systems;
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Themed Joint Session
Innovative Methods of Processing, Integrating and Analyzing Observations From Satellites Part I
Location: Room 348/349 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
the 16th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS);
and the Second Conference on Transition of Research to Operations: Successes, Plans, and Challenges
2:30 PM-4:00 PM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Poster Session
New Satellite Data/Climate Products and Services
Location: Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
Poster Session
Use of Satellite Data to Improve Understanding of Tropical Cyclones
Location: Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break
4:00 PM-5:30 PM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Impacts of Satellite-Based Observations on Monitoring, Analyzing, Understanding, and Predicting Natural Hazards 1 - Forecasts
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Satellite-Based Algorithm Developments, Products, Applications and Validations 4 : Sensor Calibration and Impacts
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
Themed Joint Session
Innovative Methods of Processing, Integrating and Analyzing Observations From Satellites Part II
Location: Room 342 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 16th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS);
the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the Second Conference on Transition of Research to Operations: Successes, Plans, and Challenges
5:30 PM-6:30 PM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Awards Banquet Reception in the Exhibit Hall
7:00 PM-10:00 PM: Wednesday, 25 January 2012
92nd AMS Awards Banquet
Thursday, 26 January 2012
8:30 AM-9:45 AM: Thursday, 26 January 2012

Impacts of Satellite-Based Observations on Monitoring, Analyzing, Understanding, and Predicting Natural Hazards 2 - Physical Properties
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Satellite-Based Algorithm Developments, Products, Applications and Validations 5 : Applied Meteorology: Algorithms and Validation - I
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Algorithm Development, Calibration/Validation and Enhancements for the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS), NOAA STAR ‘s Algorithm and Data Products (ADP) Program to Ensure Operational Products for the Next Generation of Earth Observations
9:15 AM

Themed Joint Session
AWIPS II Applications for Eos, NPP, JPSS, GOES-R and Decadal Missions
Location: Room 245 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the 28th Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS)

Themed Joint Session
Innovative Methods of Processing, Integrating and Analyzing Observations From Satellites Part III
Location: Room 356 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the 16th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS);
the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference;
and the Second Conference on Transition of Research to Operations: Successes, Plans, and Challenges
9:00 AM-12:00 PM: Thursday, 26 January 2012
Exhibit Hours
9:45 AM-11:00 AM: Thursday, 26 January 2012
Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break
11:00 AM-12:00 PM: Thursday, 26 January 2012

Applications of Satellite/Radar/Other Instrumental Measurements on Land-Air-Sea Interactions - Part I
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Impacts of Satellite-Based Observations on Monitoring, Analyzing, Understanding, and Predicting Natural Hazards 3 - Oberservation and Monitoring
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Satellite-Based Algorithm Developments, Products, Applications and Validations 5 : Applied Meteorology: Algorithms and Validation - II
Location: Room 245 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Themed Joint Session
Research to Operations Testbeds Part I
Location: Room 242 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the Second Conference on Transition of Research to Operations: Successes, Plans, and Challenges;
the 16th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS);
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
11:15 AM
12:00 PM-1:30 PM: Thursday, 26 January 2012
Lunch Break
T. N. Krishnamurti Symposium Luncheon
Location: Room 345 (New Orleans Convention Center )
1:30 PM-3:00 PM: Thursday, 26 January 2012

Applications of Satellite/Radar/Other Instrumental Measurements on Land-Air-Sea Interactions - Part II
Location: Room 256 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Satellite-Based Algorithm Developments, Products, Applications and Validations 5 : Applied Meteorology: Algorithms and Validation - III
Location: Room 257 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference

Themed Joint Session
Research to Operations Testbeds Part II
Location: Room 242 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the Second Conference on Transition of Research to Operations: Successes, Plans, and Challenges;
the 16th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS);
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
3:00 PM-3:05 PM: Thursday, 26 January 2012
Registration Closes
3:00 PM-3:30 PM: Thursday, 26 January 2012
Coffee Break
Meet the President
3:30 PM-4:00 PM: Thursday, 26 January 2012
Best Student Paper Award
Location: Room 245 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Host: 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
3:30 PM-5:00 PM: Thursday, 26 January 2012

Themed Joint Session
Research to Operations Testbeds Part III
Location: Room 242 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Hosts: (Joint
between the Second Conference on Transition of Research to Operations: Successes, Plans, and Challenges;
the 16th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS);
and the 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology/ First Joint AMS-Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference
5:00 PM-5:05 PM: Thursday, 26 January 2012
AMS 92nd Annual Meeting Adjourns