Lesson plans that complement the student-produced webcasts and adhere to regional and national standards were created during the spring and summer 2011. These lesson plans were reviewed during a teacher workshop in August and are currently being tested in classrooms. Communication between scientists and K-12 education researchers was found to be a challenge, but improved over the course of the project. Assessment of the lesson plan development process and preliminary results from in-class testing of the modules will be presented.
As lesson plans were being developed, we found that introducing global climate models (GCMs) and issues of uncertainty at a middle school level was particularly challenging. Development of a supplemental lesson to tackle this challenge has become a project led by one of the 2010 undergraduate interns. Modules that have been developed to teach about GCMs and uncertainty will be presented, including play-acting of model integration (“the human atmospheric model”), focused use of Columbia University's educational GCM (EdGCM), and companion webcasts.
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