Participating teachers have planned various school and community based outreach activities to conduct this school year. One participant is planning to host an after school climate seminar for the school community, another is working more climate studies into the school curriculum document and a third has planned and hosting a Copenhagen/Bali UN climate simulation. Participants are also planning to offer a 2-hour session at the state science teacher meeting in November 2011.
A long-term initiative of DataStreme ECS offerings is collaboration with other climate organizations. Through NOAA's Climate Stewards Program, LIT leader will be collaborating to include the use of the Copenhagen/Bali UN climate simulation as part of a NOAA Climate Stewardship plan. A local version will be created and submitted to NSTA for publication and offered at state affiliates meetings as a culmination teaching tool. This will allow students and the greater community to experience the difficult process of coming to consensus and understanding of both climate and economics. One participant tis also working with a researcher from the Ice Core Paleoclimatology Research Group Byrd Polar Research Center on "Third Pole" cores and trace elements to investigate ice cores from the Tibetan plateau and develop classroom activities to incorporate the study of industrialization's affect as demonstrated in the deposition in the cores. Partnerships for this project include: Byrd Polar Research Center, Ice Core Paleoclimatology Research Group, NOAA Climate Stewards Project, National Weather Service, ANDRILL, Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Summer Programs and various local schools.
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