Daily snowfall observations from nine National Weather Service Cooperative Observer sites near Lake Michigan, found by a previous study to be suitable for long-term trend analysis, were chosen for this study. Sites were grouped into three cross-lake transects such that each transect had sites located west and east of the climatologic impact region of Lake Michigan's influence, i.e. �snowbelt�, and one site inside the lake's snowbelt. Months with 10% (3 days) or less missing daily snow observations or failed quality control checks, as well as only common data among three sites within each transect, are included in this study.
To describe climatic-scale surplus to local snowfall downwind of lakes, we introduce the terminology lake-contribution snowfall (LCS) which accounts for both lake-effect and lake-enhanced events. We demonstrate that considerable variability exists in 5-year periods of LCS east and south of Lake Michigan from 1920 to 2005. We found a general increase in LCS from the early 1920s to the early 1960s (southern areas) and late 1970s (central areas). LCS then decreased from these maxima through the early 2000s, indicating a distinct reversal of trends previously not reported by earlier studies. Potential reasons for this reversal will be discussed.
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