The numerical experiments with the IGSM indicate that the Arctic undergoes widespread and nearly complete degradation of the (near-surface) permafrost under a “no policy” emission pathway. The uncertainties in TCR, emissions, and regional climate change have little effect on this end-of-century outcome, but affect the dynamic response. Under an aggressive greenhouse stabilization target and the full range of uncertainties, the IGSM simulations substantially reduce the permafrost degradation extent. Subsequent to widespread permafrost degradation (in the no-policy case), the simulated expanse of saturated area over the Arctic can be large (up to 50%), but the uncertainties in TCR and the regional climate response have a large impact in both the dynamic and the end-of-century response. The corresponding, inferred increases in methane emission rates by the end of the century from thermokarst lakes range between 0.5-6.5 Tg-CH4/year for the “No Policy” case and 0.1-3.0 Tg-CH4/year for the stabilization projection. However, the resulting (global) atmospheric CH4 concentrations and radiative forcing from these increased thermokarst methane emissions is small, particularly when weighted against human emissions from the no-policy scenario. From the entirety of the IGSM simulations performed, we estimate that additional warming by the end of this century from the thermokarst lake methane emissions is no greater than 0.1˚K. Further sensitivity simulations with the IGSM are presented to gauge the sensitivity of this temperature feedback on the uncertainty in the simulated terrestrial methane emission response.
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