Previous work in this area has been primarily focused on synoptic-scale weather which involves mostly linear perturbation evolution at the 1-2 day forecast range. This study focuses on developing ESA within a multi-scale WRF model EnKF for severe convection, which is more influenced by nonlinear perturbation evolution and has a binary nature. Three model domains are used with grid spacing of 36, 12, and 4 km. Data assimilation is performed on all three domains, and a short range ensemble forecast is produced for each. Results applying ESA to multiple convective events will be shown, including both same and cross-grid sensitivity fields in order to capture both small and large scale features. Through real time sensitivity products, increased forecaster awareness and objective selection of sub-ensembles with higher skill can be accomplished. Also, adaptive observing systems can be designed to best reduce forecast uncertainty. Discussed will be how these applications of convective ESA can be used in an operational setting.