Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 8:45 AM
Room 11AB (Austin Convention Center)
The Integrated Hazard Information Services project is the backbone of the Weather-Ready nation, sustaining the ability to deliver hazard information in a digital world. The goal of Phase 1 is to integrate three applications that currently generate hazardous weather watches, warnings, and advisories: 1) WarnGen, used to create short-fused severe weather warnings; 2) the Graphical Hazards Generator (GHG), used to generate long-fused hazardous weather warnings; and 3) RiverPro, used for creating longer-term river flood warnings. Through Hazard Services, the NWS is moving from a product-centric to an information-centric paradigm facilitating multiple dissemination pathways such as legacy products, graphics, cell phones, and social media. Our talk will focus on the Initial Operating Capability targeting hydrologic hazards as well as the Integrated Team composed of NOAA and RTS partners working together to build functionality that meets performance, reliability, and utility requirements effectively addressing the NWS core mission of protecting life and property.