Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 5:15 PM
Ballroom G (Austin Convention Center)
The Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program will provide continuity of polar-orbiting satellite products in the afternoon (1330 z) orbit. These data are critical to the operational NOAA missions and allow users to build upon the innovative use of data from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) in response to ever more complex environmental challenges. By focusing on the available data products and prioritizing them to best meet current and projected environmental needs, the JPSS program established a vetted process for periodic review of user requirements that will evolve in step with scientific usage of the data. The user community, as part of this new requirements process, is challenged to communicate societal benefits that NPP/JPSS satellite data will provide, which in turn augments its understanding of the broader user community and whereby users are able to better contextualize the JPSS capabilities and data usage. The prioritization study was completed with input from the Low-earth Orbiting Requirements Working Group (LORWG), a stakeholder group comprised of NOAA line office satellite experts and representatives. The LORWG evaluated, revalidated, and prioritized the current set of data products expected from the JPSS program and consequently identified the most critical operational products for the JPSS user community. Such findings coupled with that of continuing stakeholder interaction will be used to guide future program goals and decisions.