This presentation will review the plans and current status of the NOAA satellite training program. The presentation will highlight the key steps needed to ensure that training and user readiness remains an integral part of the GOES-R Proving Ground program. The satellite training review will point to the ongoing success of working closely with the Proving Ground and look to the future by linking with the new NWS Operations Proving Ground.
NOAA is taking several steps to prepare its staff and partners for rapid changes as satellite products, dissemination and computer display systems evolve: - Continue expanding the GOES-R Satellite Proving Ground to include more data and products. - Expand cooperative training programs to provide materials that reach a broad audience. - Use innovative distance learning approaches that include interactive multimedia modules and simulation exercises. - Incorporate the Performance Development Series concept that focuses on user performance to ensure that new products and tools are used effectively in the forecast, watch and warning programs - Build and enhance partnerships with key stakeholders as part of Weather Ready Nation for enhanced Decision Support Services for: Government agencies at all levels with a focus on emergency managers, Academia with Cooperative Institutes and Programs, Universities, Commercial sector including media; International community especially WMO, EUMETSAT and other satellite providers; And keep training active by engaging users via monthly satellite training sessions and weather briefings and by providing access to education services (including testing, evaluation and certificates) using online libraries of training materials.