Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 4:15 PM
Room 9A (Austin Convention Center)
A point source module has recently been implemented into the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, which allows for the simulation of silver iodide (AgI) cloud seeding. This module has been developed and tested for use in idealized scenarios and retrospective case studies. The module has been shown to effectively disperse AgI into simulated clouds and, via ice phase microphysical processes, produce simulated precipitation enhancements when optimal AgI cloud seeding scenarios are simulated (supercooled liquid water, appropriate temperature, etc).
This new capability of the WRF model to simulate the effects of cloud seeding has the potential to improve cloud seeding operations if the module can be utilized in a real-time WRF forecast. For that reason, a prototype real-time cloud seeding modeling framework has been created and preliminarily tested. This paper presents the methods utilized in this real-time set up, as well as some preliminary results of how this prototype performed in a real-time setting.