TJ47.2 The Use of a Portable Parallel Data Processing and Error Analysis System (DPEAS) for Technology Transition of Complex Multi-Satellite Data Fusion Algorithms into Operations

Thursday, 10 January 2013: 11:15 AM
Ballroom G (Austin Convention Center)
Andrew S. Jones, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and S. Q. Kidder, J. Forsythe, J. Zhao, P. Keehn, J. C. Davenport, and L. Zhao

Handout (991.2 kB)

The CSU/NOAA Data Processing and Error Analysis System (DPEAS) was created to merge or blend multiple satellite and model data sets within a single consistent framework. DPEAS is designed to be used at both research and operational facilities to facilitate Research-to-Operations-to-Research (R2O2R) technology transfers. The system supports massive parallelization via grid computing technologies, automatic source code checks, as well as advanced real-time file replication for redundancy and 24/7 operations in a low cost computational environment. In this work, we highlight the attributes of the DPEAS framework that makes the R2O2R pathway more flexible and nimble to accommodate complex multi-satellite algorithm development resulting in a series of successful operational transitions.

Scientifically we have focused on the data fusion of atmospheric and land surface product information, including global cloud data sets, soil moisture data, and specialized land surface products. The data fusion methods include the use of 1DVAR data assimilation for satellite sounding data sets, and numerous real-time statistical analysis methods. DPEAS is in current operational use at NOAA/NESDIS Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO) and performs multi-product data fusion of global “blended” Total Precipitable Water (bTPW) and blended Rainfall Rate (bRR). In this work we highlight: 1) the dynamic inter-satellite calibration processing performed within the DPEAS data fusion and error analysis, 2) as well as our DPEAS development plans for future blended products (AMSR-2 and Megha-Tropiques), and 3) layered TPW products using the NASA AIRS data for National Weather Service forecaster use via the NASA SPoRT facility at Huntsville, AL. We also discuss new system additions for cloud verification and forecasting activities in collaboration with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), and 5) planned use with the USAF Air Force Weather Agency's (AFWA) global Cloud Depiction and Forecast System (CDFS) facilities.

This research was supported by multiple grants from the NOAA/NESDIS Product System Development and Implementation (PSDI) program, a NASA SPoRT grant, and a grant by the Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) to the DoD Center for Geosciences / Atmospheric Research (CG/AR) at Colorado State University, as well as a subcontract from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) to CSU.

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