Handout (196.9 kB)
As part of its diversity program, AMS is assisting minority serving institutions to introduce Climate studies course at the undergraduate level. The Department of Natural Science at Coppin State University has been selected to implement this course as of the next academic year. In preparations for this venture, I took part in the 5-day training workshop that was held in June 2012. The training enlightened us with the current affairs of climate change and equipped us with the necessary tools and materials to implement the Climate studies course in our institution.
Since the workshop, we have been working to get the course approved at the different administrative levels within our University. It is anticipated that the course will be fully approved during the fall 2012 semester for implementation in spring 2013. At the moment, we are publicizing the course to create awareness among students and faculty. Students in the Department of Natural sciences and the department of Geography will be taking the course as elective requirement for their graduation. In the coming years, it is expected that more students from other departments and schools will join this initiative.
____________________________________________________ Department of Natural Sciences, 2500 W. North Avenue, Baltimore, MD, 21216 MJiru@Coppin.edu, Telephone: 410-951-4139