Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Weather forecasting and climate monitoring are one of the areas that involve complex processes in meteorology. Small error in initial conditions can not only mislead the forecast's outcome but also accuracy in monitoring climate variability and climate change. In observation process manual extractions of the weather parameters and climate data analysis are time consuming and labor demanding. Therefore, to meet the WMO standard time for a given observation or process, a lot of truncations are made during extraction of meteorological parameter(s) and neglecting parameters involving very complex processes in their extractions. Weather parameters should be determined with very high level of accuracy, timely and controlled environment to increase accuracy of the forecasts and climate monitoring. The problem of inaccuracy, time consumption, missing data, data loss, transmission of weather reports and climate data analysis, can be solved by understanding the importance and use of IT and ICT in weather and climate data management. Digital observation, climate monitoring modules and web-based browser interface have been developed to improve efficiency of the weather observers, analysts, forecasters, agrometeorologists and climatologists on data entry, data control, trend analysis, data archiving and timely data dissemination in electronic format instead of hard copies. The interface has an architecture that encapsulate visualization functionality that supports not only observed data entry, derived parameter output, weather report output and trend curves auto generation but also climate data auto generation, monitoring daily and seasonal changes using time series (accumulated, anomalies and standardized anomalies) and spatial analysis. Digitization of observation and climate monitoring processes will improve efficiency of NMHS in weather observation, forecasting, and climate monitoring and also play a big role in climate change adaptation and mitigation by reducing carbon sinkers destruction through paper manufacturing raw materials (trees and chemicals)